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康学良,男,汉族,1990年2月出生于内蒙古呼和浩特市,群众,博士,讲师。2016年9月考取上海大学攻读博士学位,师从徐滨士院士。2016年11月起到北京陆军装甲兵学院装备再制造国防科技重点实验室联合培养,主要研究方向为金属材料激光增材制造过程组织、性能调控。先后参与了国家重点研发计划专项、国家自然科学基金项目、军内科研项目的研究工作。在Materials & Design、Materials Science and Engineering: A等中英文期刊上发表学术论文十余篇,申请发明专利2项。




2016.09— 2020.12,上海大学,材料科学与工程,博士











[1]Xueliang Kang, Shiyun Dong*, Hongbin Wang*,et al. Effects of Y content on laser melting-deposited 24CrNiMo Steel: Formability, microstructural evolution, and mechanical properties [J].Materials and Design, 2020, 188(2020):108434.

[2]Xueliang Kang, Shiyun Dong*, Hongbin Wang*,et al. Inhomogeneous microstructure and its evolution of laser melting deposited 24CrNiMo steel: From single track to bulk sample [J].Material Science and Engineering A, 2020, 772(2020):138795.

[3]Xueliang Kang, Shiyun Dong*, Hongbin Wang*,et al. Effect of thermal cycle on microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of selective laser melted low-alloy steel [J].Materials, 2019, 12(21), 3625.

[4]Xueliang Kang, Shiyun Dong*, Ping Men,et al. Microstructure evolution and gradient performance of 24CrNiMo steel prepared via laser melting deposition [J].Material Science and Engineering A, 2020, 777(2020):139004.

[5]Xueliang Kang, Shiyun Dong*, Hongbin Wang*,et al. Effect of laser power on gradient microstructure of low-alloy steel built by laser melting deposition. [J].Materials Letters, 2020, 262 (2020):127073.

[6]康学良,董世运,汪宏斌,等.基于磁巴克豪森原理的铁磁材料各向异性检测技术综述 [J].材料导报, 2019, 33(01):186-193.

[7]康学良, 董世运.巴克豪森噪声法无损评价铁磁材料硬度 [C]. 全国无损检测学会电磁专委会第十届第四次全体会议论文集.沈阳, 2017.

[8]Xueliang Kang, Shiyun Dong, Hongbin Wang, et al. Study on the mechanism and application of applying magnetic Barkhausen noise to evaluate plastic deformation [C]. ENDE. Chengdu,2019.

[9]彭谦,董世运,康学良, 等.预热对激光熔化沉积成形12CrNi2合金钢组织与性能的影响 [J].工程科学学报, 2018(11):1342-1350.

[10]门平,董世运,康学良, 等.材料早期损伤的非线性超声诊断 [J]. 仪器仪表学报, 2017, 38(5):1101-1118.

[11]Men Ping, Dong Shiyun,Kang Xueliang, et al. Research on the method of quantitative evaluating material hardness and tensile strength by critically refracted longitudinal wave [J]. Applied Acoustics,2020,159:107105.


