(3)包头市青年创新人才项目:B位掺杂铁电薄膜材料结构调控及光伏性能增强研究,2万, 2017.01-2019.12,主持
(5)横向项目:低维吸波材料的高温微波响应关键科学问题及其吸波性能调控, 5万,: 2017.11-2019.10,主持
5. 代表性论著
[1] Y. Li, H. Yang, X. Hao, N. Sun, J. Du, M. Cao, Enhanced electromagnetic interference shielding with low reflection induced by heterogeneous double-layer structure in BiFeO3/BaFe7(MnTi)(2.5)O19 composite, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 772 (2019) 99-104.
[2] Y. Li, N. Sun, J. Du, X. Li, X. Hao, Stable energy density of a PMN-PST ceramic from room temperature to its Curie point based on the synergistic effect of diversified energy, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 7 (25) (2019) 7692-7699.
[3] Y. Li, X. Cui, N. Sun, J. Du, X. Li, G. Jia, X. Hao, Region-Dependent and Stable Ferroelectric Photovoltaic Effect Driven by Novel In-Plane Self-Polarization in Narrow-Bandgap Bi2FeMo0.7Ni0.3O6 Thin Film, Advanced Optical Materials 7 (3) (2019) 1801105.
[4] Y. Yao, Y. Li*, N. Sun, J. Du, X. Li, L. Zhang, Q. Zhang, X. Hao, High energy-storage performance of BNT-BT-NN ferroelectric thin films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 750 (2018) 228-234.
[5] Y. Li, N. Sun, J. Liu, X. Hao, J. Du, H. Yang, X. Li, M. Cao, Multifunctional BiFeO3 composites: Absorption attenuation dominated effective electromagnetic interference shielding and electromagnetic absorption induced by multiple dielectric and magnetic relaxations, Composites Science and Technology 159 (2018) 240-250.
[6] Y. Li, N. Sun, X. Li, J. Du, L. Chen, H. Gao, X. Hao, M. Cao, Multiple electrical response and enhanced energy storage induced by unusual coexistent-phase structure in relaxor ferroelectric ceramics, Acta Materialia 146 (2018) 202-210.
[7] Y. Li, H. Gao, Y. Liu, L. Zhang, X. Hao, The coexisting negative and positive electrocaloric effect in (Pb0.97La0.02)(Zr, Sn, Ti)O3 antiferroelectric thick films optimized via phase transition procedure, Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics 29 (17) (2018) 14528-14534.
[8] X. Cui, Y. Li*, N. Sun, J. Du, X. Li, H. Yang, X. Hao, Double perovskite Bi2FeMoxNi1-xO6 thin films: Novel ferroelectric photovoltaic materials with narrow bandgap and enhanced photovoltaic performance, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 187 (2018) 9-14.
[9] J. Wang, Y. Li*, N. Sun, Q. Zhang, L. Zhang, X. Hao, X. Chou, Effects of Fe3+ doping on electrical properties and energy-storage performances of the (Na0.85K0.15)(0.5)Bi0.5TiO3 thick films prepared by sol-gel method, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 727 (2017) 596-602.
[10] Y. Li, X. Fang, M. Cao, Thermal frequency shift and tunable microwave absorption in BiFeO3 family, Scientific Reports 6 (2016) 24837.
[11] Y. Li, M. Cao, Enhanced electromagnetic properties and microwave attenuation of BiFeO3-BaFe7(MnTi)(2.5)O19 driven by multi-relaxation and strong ferromagnetic resonance, Materials & Design 110 (2016) 99-104.
[12] Y. Li, D. Wang, W. Cao, B. Li, J. Yuan, D. Zhang, S. Zhang, M. Cao, Effect of MnO2 addition on relaxor behavior and electrical properties of PMNST ferroelectric ceramics, Ceramics International 41 (8) (2015) 9647-9654.
[13] Y. Li, W.-q. Cao, J. Yuan, D.-w. Wang, M.-s. Cao, Nd doping of bismuth ferrite to tune electromagnetic properties and increase microwave absorption by magnetic-dielectric synergy, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3 (36) (2015) 9276-9282.
[14] Y. Li, M.-s. Cao, D.-w. Wang, J. Yuan, High-efficiency and dynamic stable electromagnetic wave attenuation for La doped bismuth ferrite at elevated temperature and gigahertz frequency, Rsc Advances 5 (94) (2015) 77184-77191.
[15] Y. Li, J. Yuan, D. Wang, D. Zhang, H. Jin, M. Cao, Effects of Nb, Mn doping on the Structure, Piezoelectric, and Dielectric Properties of 0.8Pb(Sn0.46Ti0.54)O3-0.2Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 Piezoelectric Ceramics, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 96 (11) (2013) 3440-3447.
[16] Y. Li, H.-J. Yang, W.-G. Yang, Z.-L. Hou, J.-B. Li, H.-B. Jin, J. Yuan, M.-S. Cao, Structure, ferromagnetism and microwave absorption properties of La substituted BiFeO3 nanoparticles, Materials Letters 111 (2013) 130-133